What We Dance – Curriculum

By studying differing perspectives in dance technique, history, theory and creative processes, students gain movement and creative versatility, gain awareness of cultural histories and become strong advocates for social justice in their communities.

Strategic efforts toward diversifying our curriculum are ongoing and include the following:

What We Dance

2019–2022 Reimagining the Curriculum— The BA/BFA curriculums were redesigned to address the systemic racism and other bias found in the policies, requirements, nomenclature, syllabi content, and practices of our curriculum. This curriculum will be implemented in Fall 2022.
2016–2019 New dance courses were established and/or re-designed to fulfill the US Minorities general education requirement - DANC 125: Black Dances of Resistance, DANC 340: Dancing Black Popular Culture.
2015 The MFA curriculum was revised to embrace multiple perspectives and interdisciplinary research.
2000 African Diasporic and western European forms were consistently offered as core course for degree programs. African, hip-hop, and/or capoeira techniques were offered on a regular basis to majors/non-majors.
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