Sample BA+BS Schedule

Sample Schedule for a BA in Dance and BS in Kinesiology


122 hours of requirements + 36 hours of electives = 158 total hours to reach minimum required for dual degrees

Gen Eds beyond Dance/Kinesiology degree requirements Dance Kinesiology Open Electives (includes Language Other than English if not complete)
16 53 53 36

First-Year, Fall


Class Hrs Category
FAA 101 1 DANC Foundations
DANC 150 2 DANC Foundations
DANC 160 2 DANC Techn/Phys Pract
DANC xxx Perfor 1 DANC Creat Proc/P&P: Perf
Composition I 4 Gen Ed
KIN 125 1 Orientation to KIN/CHLH
KIN 140 3 Soc Sci of Human Movement
Free Elective 3 Elective
Total 17
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